See you around…

Dear friends,

An unnecessarily self-indulgent update…

After the Ekoplekz album in November 2019, F&F headed into hibernation.

Running a record label is an absolute joy and a huge privilege, but it is also bloody hard. Not genuinely hard like actual real life problems, and not actually difficult like a real job, but it’s still tough.

We have successfully put out some of the best records of the past 10 years. Fact.

Along the way we’ve had some incredible coverage and love from some of the most wonderful people, many of whom we’ve admired for years from afar, whilst successfully avoiding any real audience or commercial success (despite the odd surprise).

Admittedly, we have ourselves to blame – we’ve purposely never really stuck to one thing for long enough, musically or aesthetically (though all our vinyl was black, sorry). That always seemed a bit boring, and other labels do it much better than we ever could.

We’ve got a lot going on outside of the label, and sometimes it is difficult to justify more time hiding away from the world, especially right now.

So F&F is taking a break.

Gated Canal Community will continue and may even do some more random fun stuff aside from the radio show.

F&F will be back in some shape or form at some point I hope.

Until then – you can still buy all our records directly from us and through most places in the real world and online.

See you around,

Justin & Helen x