Collision/Detection v3 by The Lord

The third EP in Long Division with Remainders’ Collision/Detection series is OUT NOW, and comes from The Lord – a brave, bold and slightly mad series of musical interruptions following his spectacular recent album ‘Jesuit Trifle Syndrome’ on ExoticPylon Records (the follow-up to ‘Getting Off The Meths’). The Lord writes:
Some people like this music…..some people don’t like this music. My time is split between making music and not making music.  
My first attempt at making it in the music business was scuppered by those pesky kids at NASA. I tried to record the now defunct album “Cows In Space”. This was to be the biggest musical undertaking I would ever do (except plans for the follow up album “More Cows In Space”). I had bought myself a very good recording device and 10 cows whilst putting the final touches to my space rocket (a modified lawn-mower that my friend “Jimmy the Fish” had converted), when my application to launch from Cape Carnaveval was turned down. Even more, my provisional pilots license was revoked and so I had no permission to launch from anywhere else….subsequently “Cows In Space” (and therefore “Even More Cows In Space”) was never made. The off-shoot of this was that I was left with 10 cows, a modified lawn-mower, and a very good recording device. This turned into the snappily titled album “Cows Not In Space But In The Kitchen Instead (With A Lawn-mower That Was Meant To Take Them Into Space, But NASA Wouldn’t Let Me So It’s Now Just Sat Here Doing Nothing)”. I made one copy of this and gave it to the Oxfam on Harringbow Road in Gwent. I hope it was of use to them.

Collision/Detection v3 is out now to download – via Boomkat, iTunes, eMusic, Amazon etc.

Find out more about The Lord at